Hello Everyone!
We’ve just released a new patch, bringing more polish and improvements! This update expands on the sudden death mechanic and enhances the overall game flow leading into sudden death. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Change log:
Sudden Death
We’re continuing to improve the sudden death flow. We’re currently testing a full match reset where players are moved back to their original spawn points. This gives us a chance to showcase sudden death effects while giving players a moment to understand the situation and catch their breath.
- Sudden Death General
- Sudden death now resets the ball and triggers a new 3-second countdown.
- Sudden Death Mechanic
- Short Deflect
- A sudden death effect that shortens deflect duration, making it harder for players to time their deflects.
We’ve started working on localization! This is a WIP, and we’ll continue to add support for more languages as we move forward.
- Added a language option in settings:
- Settings > Gameplay > Language
- Added an outline to the ball to make it even clearer when it’s targeting the player.
- Added a ground decal under the ball to help players track its position when it’s high above them
- Place Jump Pad
- Increased jump pad lifetime from 6s to 12s.
- Increased jump pad launch force from 3000 to 4500.
- Videos
- Updated explanation videos for all abilities.
Friend List and Party
- Friend list is now sorted by online status, then by name.
- Added “Invite to Party” option in the friends menu dropdown.
- New popup for friend requests.
- Updated Visuals for Abilities
- Fixed an issue with the decal shadow under the player not displaying correctly on platforms in Rumble Rafts.
- Fixed formatting issues with “Time in Queue” and “Estimated Time in Queue.”
- Fixed an issue with player introductions where the wrong player level was displayed.