0.17.2 - Next Fest Hotfix 2

February 28, 2025


  • EXCLUSIVE player profile icon! “Next Fest 2025 DEMO” This icon will be granted to all players who launch the game after this patch. Access to the icon will be removed once the demo ends, so don’t miss out!"
  • Input Rebind Settings (WORK IN PROGRESS)Dev note: We've added a very early BETA version of the input rebind page. It has several issues and may break, but we want as many players as possible to enjoy the final weekend of the demo. If you encounter any problems, press [RESET TO DEFAULTS] on the input rebind page!
  • Added Easy Anti-Cheat to improve security and prevent unfair play.
  • Adjusted round timer reduction on player death: 20s → 10sDev note: We read your feedback and agree that sudden death is being triggering too quickly, especially in full 6-player matches. This change should help rounds last a bit longer before sudden death kicks in.
  • Improved in-game clarity about match structure:
    • Displaying "Round X" at the start of each round before the timer begins.
    • Added round progress indicators under the timer at the top of the screen.Dev note: This is still a work-in-progress, and we’ll be refining it in future updates!
    • Added an extra confirmation pop-up when attempting to exit back to the main menu.
  • Introduced a "Waiting for Players" stage during the loading screen when entering a server.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where bots and players could escape Rumble Rafts Arena and go under the water.
  • Fixed an issue where the four center rafts in Rumble Rafts wouldn't appear correctly for clients after a round started on high-latency servers.
  • Fixed an issue where the cat head would remain stuck on players after being hacked.
  • Fixed an issue where the ball would incorrectly lock onto a player during the sudden death timer if they used the yo-yo just before sudden death began.

Let us know what you think of these changes, and as always, thanks for playing!